Friday, June 26, 2020

Can We Go Back ?

paint on paper, 11 x 9

Original available--$15.


paint on paper, 11 x 9

Original available--$15. Prints also available, size 5 x 7--$8 each.

All Is Green and Gold

paint on paper, 11 x 9

Original available--$15.

*Show Your Support on PATREON*

Love art ?? Want to show your support but not sure how ?

Patreon was built to engage any artist's audience with meaningful content, 
unique tier benefits, and exclusive behind-the-scenes photos and interviews.

Here is your chance !

Support Can I Color Now Studios by becoming "An Awesome Fan," by joining 
"The Coloring Tribe," or by revealing yourself to be "A Stellar Admirer" of all things creative.

It's your choice !

We couldn't do it without you and are so incredibly thankful 
for all of the friendship and adventures so far.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

"With A Poem"

--> "With A Poem" on YouTube <--

I'm not going to change
your mind with a poem
I couldn't make you act
differently or better
if I tried
That is not within my power
But what is
Is how I choose to speak
How I choose to respond
How I choose to behave
and decide
That the world cannot stay this way
Abusing and confusing and destroying
each other
That the planet cannot stay this way
Exhausting and depleting
and stripping and melting
That We, The People, cannot
stay this way
We were born to love
We were born to create
And so, in the now of this
very moment
I will not stay this way
With my heart breaking
Every day
Although I cannot
Change your mind
With a poem.



Monday, June 8, 2020

In a COVID-19 World

In response to a prompt by Dance Atlanta on Instagram, I answered the question :

"What are you doing creatively during quarantine ?"

In addition to dancing and choreographing, painting has been my go-to activity 
to find my center, refocus, and chill. 
The name of this company, Can I Color Now Studios, is drawn directly from the belief 
that creativity is powerful and can change us. 
If this year, this month, this day, this moment has been crazy for you--
pick up that paint set, that pen, that book you've been waiting to start, 
that camera, whatever it is !, just DO THE THING. 
Go and find yourself in your art. 
Let's create something beautiful together.